New eBook on the use of welding torches

1 min read

EWM has released an eBook on welding torches that sheds light on how to get optimal results while still achieving maximum productivity.

(Image credit: EWM)

Welding torches are said to be often underestimated, yet they’re important to the welding process. The user has to decide whether they want to accept low performance and possibly high wear on components when using a lower-quality welding torch or whether they would be better off opting for quality.

When it comes time to purchase welding torches, the main focus is often on the price. Low-cost versions are preferred over higher quality, but more expensive, ones.

According to EWM, this is a serious mistake, because you can’t create a good weld seam with an inferior welding torch. What characterises a good welding torch, though? The welding torch should have a long service life. The parts subject to heavy wear should be wear-resistant. The welding result shouldn’t require any reworking, and the welding torch should enable comfortable and ergonomically optimised operation. All these requirements are met by high-performance, high-quality welding torches, which not only improve the quality of the weld seams, but also reduce operating costs in the long term.

The basic requirement for high weld seam quality is a stable process, which avoids increased spatter and pore formation and prevents a lack of fusion occurring in the first place. If these problems occur, it’s important to find the cause. Often, it’s not the power source that’s the cause, but rather the welding torch, an inadequate shielding gas supply or the poor quality of the filler material. How can potential interference in the welding process be detected and eliminated? In their new eBook, ‘Cost-efficient and reliable welding: the importance of the welding torch to the overall process’, EWM provides tips and demonstrate the advantages of optimally harmonising all the welding components.