
An Intertronics guide to adhesive specification

Two vital parts of adhesive specification are introduced by Matthew Baseley, technical sales executive and Kevin Cook, technical manager, Intertronics. First is assessing the return on investment of a...

Just an enclosure? Why engineering advice is crucial for correct specification

The design and specification of an enclosure can make or break an industrial application. While some projects require a standard enclosure for quick installation to keep costs down, other projects...

Clamping the right way: choosing the shaft collar for your needs

Choosing the right shaft collar will impact the security and precision of clamping, not to mention the ease of installation and future maintenance. With a variety of styles and sizes available,...

Intertronics busts the 365 nm myth in whitepaper

To help businesses looking to adopt LED UV curing in their assembly processes, adhesives specialist Intertronics has launched a new white paper: Moving to UV LED curing, the 365 nm myth — a dance...

Pull-to-stroke vs pull-to-force in blind riveting

As today’s assembly operations focus on speed, efficiency and accuracy, quality control for blind riveting is a crucial concern in industrial manufacturing. Industrial manufacturing operations strive...

Achieving return on investment with a mixing process

When mixing liquids, pastes and powders during an industrial process, manufacturers may identify issues that lead them to consider alternative methods. Common areas for improvement include variance...

An overview of torque tool calibration

Torque tools provide vital assurance that bolts are the right tightness. Their readings, however, are not foolproof, and can drift out of tolerance over time. The engineering solution – torque tool...

Robots, cobots & ultrasonic machines: choosing the right solution

Changes in the industrial landscape as a consequence of the pandemic, combined with renewed interest in re-shoring and shortening supply chains has opened up multiple new opportunities for the...

Securing strength and safety with stainless steel components

The low-maintenance nature and attractive appearance of stainless steel, along with its unique properties make it a strong choice for use in multiple engineering applications. Marcus Schneck, CEO of...

New challenge for plastic expert

Following a 25-year career with Optimas and its antecedents, latterly as managing director of its components division, Andrew Fletcher moved last year to a new post as director of plastics and rubber...

Huntingdon Fusion Technologies discusses developments in welding enclosures

The metallic alloys we use today have evolved through decades of research and many represent the pinnacle of achievement in terms of strength and corrosion resistance. Without these materials, the...

norelem recommends ceramic standard components to reduce abrasion and wear

Abrasive wear can be extremely damaging – it can change the critical dimensions and tolerances of a component, cause machinery and equipment to rapidly deteriorate in performance, and ultimately cause...