The Superpowers of FDM at Ogle

1 min read

Here at Ogle, we have our very own Fortus 400mc FDM Machine with a build envelope of 406 x 355 x 406mm. Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technology allows real parts to be manufactured to our client’s mechanical, thermal, aesthetic and resolution requirements, in a range of thermoplastics (ABS, PC, and ULTEM 9085) in short timescales for immediate use.

One benefit of industrial FDM over other 3D printing technologies is the ability to produce accurate parts from production materials, strong enough for both functional testing and end use components. If you build one part today and the same part next year, they will be exactly the same.

The technology lends itself to producing bespoke one-offs or short production runs for end use parts.

Industrial over desktop

Desktop machines do have their uses. They are great for a quick ‘look to see’ of your design and have very little set-up cost involved. However, when it comes to parts which require certified materials, reliability, accuracy and repeatability time and time again, this is where industrial machines come in.

The cost of these machines is far greater than a desktop machine, and for good reason. Our machine has an atmospherically controlled build chamber which is set to the correct temperature depending on which material is to be used, of which are certified and batch traceable. Due to the accuracy and reliability of our industrial machine, it opens up the possibilities for engineers. For example, Airbus have now standardised FDM’s ULTEM material for production parts on the new A350 XWB aircraft. Thanks to its FST compliance and high strength-to-weight ratio, the material has enabled the production of lightweight, strong parts with the added bonus of lowering both lead time and manufacturing costs.

The flexibility of the process, allows complex, more efficient geometries (and design iterations) to be achieved, without the added cost and timescales traditional machining brings. FDM components are being utilised on the production line as assembly jigs, end effectors on robotic arms, bespoke equipment covers, quality control jigs and robust, durable components.

Due to the mechanical strength and durability of the materials, FDM can be an economically viable (cheaper and shorter lead time) alternative to traditionally machined components. Due to the additive manufacturing process, more complex geometries can be achieved, reducing the number of components and assembly costs. Design iterations are more easily accommodated due to the short lead times associates with FDM.

Why use a bureau?

Ogle has taken care of the upfront cost and ongoing maintenance in purchasing the machine and has a number of materials available. Not only that, but the experience gained from using the process day in day out, allows us to get the best from your parts. Whether that be orientation of the parts, of setting up the build correctly to ensure complete flatness, or feature definition.