Seeing is believing

1 min read

The patented SnapIt Screw has been saving opticians around the world time and money with their feeder tab, which is snapped off by hand when the screw is in place.

Previously, opticians would torque down a regular screw and then have to cut off the end with a pair of pliers. There would often be a protruding end which would need to be filed off which could result in scratching of a frame.

Now, the extra long feeder tab makes insertion into the hinge easy, after which the screw is torqued down and the protruding end snapped off.This offers several advantages:

  • Cuts repair time in half – much easier to use and handle
  • No tools required – no more clipping and filing
  • Self-aligns and self-taps.

The company already supplies a number of optical chains with the product.It has also created a consumer kit version, using the same patented screw (for people to fix their own glasses), available through several outlets.

SnapIt is looking to expand into other industries and applications where manufacturers are keen to reduce assembly costs. Many design engineers have spoken about other applications for their industrial screw – from jewellery to electronics.

SnapIt Screw

01277 365118