Scott Bader helps manufacture bus stop seats

Scott Bader has joined forces with Quality Mouldings to develop bus stop seats that can withstand harsh environmental conditions.

Scott Bader

The partners have created bus stop seats using a combination of Crystic Resin 2.446PALV with low styrene emissions, Crystic GC 65PA Red and various Crestafix bonding pastes for their fast cure and handling properties.

Scott Bader’s Crystic 65PA gelcoat was applied to the surface of the seats, providing an additional layer of protection against fading, scratches, and damage. This has enhanced the longevity and visual appeal of the seats, even in high-traffic areas.

Crestafix bonding pastes helped join the seats. Their bonding strength and flexibility ensured the seats remained in intact under heavy usage.

The composite seats were crafted using Scott Bader’s resin, which is said to be known for its low exotherm and fast hardening characteristics.

According to Scott Bader, this ensured the seats could withstand harsh environmental conditions without compromising their structural integrity.