Dyne Testing offers a range of measurement equipment for testing surface energy and tension, surface cleanliness, adhesion, and coating thickness, to improve quality and process control in various industrial applications.
“Most of our customers are interested in adhesion and/or cleanliness, so it is not surprising that Intertronics shares around 75% of Dyne Testing’s customer base. There are a lot of synergies we can leverage to support and grow the Dyne Testing business,” said Peter Swanson, managing director of Intertronics.
Dyne Testing’s Alison Fox is staying with the new structure, and has a new job title of brand manager. “Intertronics brings a wealth of resources to the Dyne Testing business, including sales and marketing teams, customer sales support functions, an extensive warehouse with modern operations, and a custom designed Technology Centre for hands-on demonstrations and trials,” said Fox, who will continue to be the first point of contact for customers.
Today, it remains business as usual for Dyne Testing customers. To ensure a smooth transition, key members of the Dyne Testing team have been retained for the coming months. In due course, all operations will be moved to Intertronics’ site in Kidlington, Oxfordshire.