
Settling on the right sized robot

Robots are good for productivity, and if you’ve come to the conclusion that you can achieve a good return on investment through a robot purchase (ww.is.gd/Adsp7n), you may find yourself wondering...

Closing the gap for wound closure

Topical skin adhesives are liquid cyanoacrylate monomers that polymerise into long solid chains upon contact with an activator, moisture, or blood, to hold a wound closed.

Joining technology in automotive engineering

The automotive industry is in the midst of change and faces major challenges driven by the necessity to reduce emissions, which can only be achieved through electrification and consistent lightweight...

Accessing technical information and more…

The modern world does not stop just because the time on a clock says it’s past traditional working hours. Many firms now offer flexible working patterns and remote access to crucial parts of the...

Virtual part previews now available online…

The modern world does not stop just because the time on a clock says it’s past traditional working hours.

A snapshot of the UK rubber seals industry

Earlier this year, TFC, an AFC Industries company, announced its acquisition of EAP Seals, a manufacturer and distributor of rubber seals, O-rings, gaskets and associated technical products.

EcoRecord utilises recycled PET

SK Chemicals has announced that it has used 100% of its recycled polyethylene terephthalate (CR-PET) for Sonopress's new EcoRecord long-playing (LP) records.

Five ways a Fastener Design Course can enhance your career

Fastener knowledge plays a key role in informing product design in a range of sectors.

Making the switch to water-based adhesives

In an online post, Chemique Adhesives says now could be an ideal time for businesses who use solvented adhesives as part of their manufacturing processes to review their current work environment.

What is lock pre-load?

When talking about preload it is important to understand what preload is and how it impacts a locks ability to function properly.

Pin upgrade for 'Beast of the East'

For the German construction company Kafril Group, durable components and reliable suppliers are key to maintaining their modified Hitachi ZX 870-3 XXL, a high reach excavator with an extendable...

High Glass Transition Dual-Curing Adhesives for Electronics

In electronics manufacturing, certain processes, such as soldering, reflow, and curing, involve high temperatures.