Locating high quality gears

1 min read

A manufacturer of high quality gears was experiencing difficulty installing a locator pin in a critical area.

The pin was working its way out of the assembly during use and it had to be secured in the hole so that it would not fall out under extreme operating conditions. Product designers called in Spirol Industries which solved the problem with its Model CR pin insertion machine equipped with force monitoring. A combination of factors had contributed to the original installation problem such as the hole size, material hardness, surface finish within the hole and sharp edges at the hole's entry point. The customer's own analysis indicated that there was a direct correlation between pin performance and installation force. If the force was too high, the pin or gear incurred damage. If the force was too low, the pin was at risk of 'walking out' during the assembly's life. When using an insertion outside of the established parameters, the CR Pin Insertion Machine will shut down and a flashing light will indicate that investigation is necessary. At this point the errant assembly is removed and an engineer has to over-ride the machine before the operator can continue. Production then resumes with no risk of introducing a bad assembly into the field.